Hi, I’m Linda Spellman, a psychic medium with Light of the Phoenix. You might wonder why people come see someone like me, so I’m going to go over some of the top reasons in no particular order.
First is ending relationships. When your significant other ends your relationship it can be extremely devastating. You might struggle with feelings of betrayal, with feelings, obviously of sadness, but also feelings of not being enough.
Not being worthy of another relationship and that can leave you feeling stuck.
But when you hear from people that you love on the other side, from people who know you and they can remind you of the qualities that you have, how special that you are, and remind you that there is more to come because they have a bigger view of that than we do.
It can really give you exactly what you need to leave a place of feeling hopeless and walk out with a feeling of purpose, a feeling of knowing that there’s more tomorrow for you.
The second reason is if you have a decision to make. I have a lot of people I work with that are choosing between career paths or choosing between job opportunities, who are even choosing between people.
Sometimes in the midst of choosing, we can overthink ourselves into a spiral where nothing seems to be clear anymore and we’re talking with someone from the other side.
They will often remind you of pieces of yourself, of personality, characteristics of yourself, opportunities where you have thrived environments where you have thrived, reminds you of enough of those things where the options really become clear in terms of what choice to make and often they will come through and describe the different options in enough detail and give you feedback so that you know exactly which one is the right one and just a hint.
It’s usually the one you thought was right when you came in, but sometimes it’s just a really good thing to hear it from the other side.
The third is if you’re feeling lost and a little stuck. I think we’ve all had moments in our lives where we’ve looked around and thought, is this all there is or not necessarily unhappy, but you’re not necessarily inspired either, but you don’t really know what to do about it.
When people come into my office for a reading feeling that way or with a phone, they usually hear about what’s blocking them, something that is keeping them from seeing more clearly where they should go or where they could go and just kind of lifting that fog. Again, a lot of this is about our ability and tendency to overthink, but it can be really helpful.
Oftentimes they’ll suggest that you do something different, that you break your own pattern, break your own routine because just in the act of doing that, you start seeing things from a different perspective.
The fourth is, as you would suspect, if you’ve lost a loved one, losing someone you love is heart wrenching. You can’t fix it, you can’t change it and you can’t take it back and sometimes you’re left with dealing with the affairs, so you haven’t even had a chance to grieve. But hearing from the other side that your loved one made it and that they’re okay and letting them be able to answer some questions that you might have. Like why I’ve heard forgiveness, I’ve heard being forgiven.
I’ve always heard relief and it’s something that you kind of have to see to be able to experience how wonderful that is.
It’s not going to take away the pain and it’s not going to take away the sadness, but it goes give hope. It gives hope that tomorrow will be easier and the next day easier yet, and it also gives you hope that these people, you haven’t lost them, they’re just with you in a different way. I had one gentleman come through and talk about how he had the best seats at his funeral because he was suited above everybody else.
It really is remarkable, the different types of psychic medium readings I have with people who’ve been lost. I had one husband come through that had us laughing so hard we were crying, so you just never know what to expect.
The fifth reason that I’ll cover is something that actually I didn’t even know of until recently until this happened to me.
I was doing a phone reading and it was a typical reading and I was getting the physical manifestations of how they were feeling and all of a sudden I stopped and said, wait a minute, is she still alive and in a coma? And I heard, yes she is. And I was able to say goodbye for this mother to her daughters, give them messages for her grandchildren.
That is the most moving and humbling reading I’ve ever experienced and likely I ever will experience. But I didn’t realize that that was possible until that moment.
It’s happened several times since. So if you do have someone who’s in a coma, maybe somebody who you are trying to make a decision about seeing a psychic medium might give you the answers that you seek and certainly let you know that they’re okay.
I hope this has been helpful for when you go to look for a psychic medium, be cautious that you’re picking the right one.
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